At DECO Coatings we are closely monitoring the spread of Coronavirus (COVID19). The safety of our team members is our top priority. DECO Coatings has instituted a plan to address our job sites for such situations as this current corona virus. Our goal is to ensure the health, welfare and ability of everyone on our team to deliver work.

Please see responsibilities in keeping everyone safe, healthy, and productive.
DECO’s comprehensive plan:
· All workers must stay at home if they are sick or symptomatic with anything. Anyone sick will be sent home.
· Anyone exposed to COVID19 or sick with COVID19 must not report to work, and DECO Management must be notified.
· Standard precautions should be followed for activities of daily living such as:
· Frequent hand washing
· Avoid touching the face
· Covering your mouth/nose with an arm or tissue when coughing or sneezing.
· DECO will do daily training on how to clean cellphones properly and encourage cleaning cell phones regularly.
If you have ideas about how to make this better, please don’t hesitate to let me know. As the situation is dynamic, and we will keep you updated should anything change.
Teams are to be mindful of their surroundings and take basic precautions recommended by the CDC to help protect you and others from this virus as well as other viral sicknesses:
· Engage in regular, thorough hand-washing and use of hand sanitizer, ensuring use of warm water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds. Please note that hand sanitizer alone does NOT effectively kill bacteria and viruses. It is a supplement to, not a substitute for, proper hand-washing. It is also recommended that you dry your hands with paper towels and not air dryers.
· Stay home if you are sick.
· Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your arm when coughing or sneezing, then throw the tissue in the trash (preferably with a lid).
· Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
· Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
· Follow the CDC guidelines related to self-quarantine if you travel outside of the United States. (This is currently 14 days after travel to High Risk – Level 3 countries. Level 1 countries are currently not required to quarantine but monitor their health for 14 days.) A full list can be found here
What will DECO Coatings Job sites do immediately?
1. Prevention is the best defense. Every day we are wiping down trailers with disinfectant (including surfaces like desks and tables and objects like telephones and keyboards).
2. Jobs will rent and install hand washing stations on projects when possible.
3. For visual communication, health and safety posters will be posted in visible areas.
Our project is embedded with the client. Whose plan should I follow?
Embedded job sites like healthcare facilities or education campuses need to understand the protocol of the client and follow whichever protocol is the more stringent. Talk with your DECO Coatings Team to determine any additional steps to this plan.
I heard this virus is easily passed. How should that change our routine?
When gathering in large groups, like the morning safety huddle, teams will be encouraged to stand approximately 1 meter apart. That’s about your wingspan.
Should my team wear face masks?
The CDC has stated that masks are more appropriate for individuals who are sick than for those who are well. If you or your team want to wear a face mask, feel free to do so.
I work for a DECO Coatings Trade Partner and I’m feeling sick. Should I go to work?
No. Anyone who is sick should stay home. Anyone who is clearly sick will be removed from the job site. Do not return to a DECO Coatings job site until you are fever-free for 24 hours without medication.
What if I come into contact with someone that has a confirmed case of Coronavirus?
Do not come to work. Notify your Superintendent as soon as possible. The Superintendent will convey the information to the Safety Team.
I’m traveling outside of the U.S. Is there anything I need to do?
Any Trade Partner employee who travels outside of the U.S. must advise their DECO Coatings management team before traveling and follow the CDC guidelines related to self-quarantine upon return. (This is currently 14 days after travel to High Risk – Level 3 countries. Level 1 Countries are currently not required to quarantine but monitor their health for 14 days.) Please reference the CDC’s website for the most recent information at