The Crossing is more than just an important opportunity for certain students’ futures. Many of our students come from struggling backgrounds. The reality of attaining a high school diploma has been replaced with complacency of accepting the fate of few options other than taking a low paying job. Providing meaningful opportunities to create a pathway out of poverty is optimal when paired with jobs that provide on the job training skill sets. DECO Coatings is intentionally located in an underutilized urban location in order to provide easier transportation access to our underserved community.

We are proud of our internationally recognized industrial painting certification program. Class time and tools are paid and there are no costs to the students. Students spend significant hours practicing soft skills – understanding and learning personal problem resolution, best practices in the work environment, showing up consistently on time, being prepared for work every day. In addition to studies, building individual and team relationships through collaboration helps build strong support groups. Learning what it means to be a good citizen and respecting others will serve them well no matter where they land in their future endeavors.

Learning a skilled trade has never been more desirable or fashionable. Mike Rowe has thankfully changed the image of blue collar as a poor career choice or for those who have a second-class education. Many folks find great satisfaction in working with their hands and many compensation benefits meet or exceed peers who choose the college path. Did I mention without the debt burden along with higher job marketability?
We are proud of all students who work hard completing core curriculum classroom studies while learning processes, process improvement, hand tools, and how to operate equipment. It is exciting to see the confidence that grows as tasks are mastered. Experiencing beaming smiles of self-confidence for a job well done is exciting. Meeting each new challenge head-on is easier with a history of successes in their personal “tool box”.
“High tide all boats rise no matter what size” is true. We have all grown personally and professionally. Understanding the perspective of others and developing an appreciation of differing viewpoints have blended as an asset rather than a gap.

Launching a satellite school at our facility emerged from years of searching for the right opportunity, being able to recognize it when it presented itself, the right timing, and a Power at work who prepared our crossing of paths. DECO Coatings is looking forward to a bright future growing a skilled workforce for us and the community while changing lives.