ECO is OPEN, available, and ready to mobilize on short notice for infrastructure projects that are needed. These services include Emergency Coating Solutions, Industrial Coatings, High Performance Coating Asset Protection, Industrial Painting and Surface Preparation to support those applications. Even though the general public is expected to stay at home, there are necessary construction and infrastructure projects that must be attended to. DECO Coatings is authorized to work under Federal Critical Infrastructure.
Respecting the Executive Orders of many states to limit travel, DECO Coatings is considered an Essential Infrastructure Service. We deliver vital coating and infrastructure protection services to hospitals; water & wastewater treatment plants; food processing & food supply locations; transportation/fulfillment/distribution centers; utilities; public works; pharmaceutical operations; health care facilities; DOT; schools, shelters, data centers, grocery stores, drug stores, fire stations, distribution centers, and emergency operations centers. Maintaining infrastructure protection is a critical component to public safety, thus playing a significant role in overall Community Risk Reduction (CRR).

The public health emergency caused by COVID19 virus is affecting everyone in the construction industry is so many ways. Understanding the impact this disruption is having on customers’ business, employees and customers, DECO Coatings has implemented steps to continue being the single source industrial coatings company in the Midwest and across the United States.
DECO Coatings has also implemented policies for the protection and care of our workers on construction sites and for those responding to normal and emergency service calls. The safety and health of our employees is our first focus.
Operating during these challenging times, DECO Coatings is well aware of the importance of observing all government advisories, as well as the regulations and declarations. We are committed to following all safeguards and to doing our part to prevent others from being at risk from this virus while we protect infrastructure and architecture.
DECO is committed to supporting your industrial coatings needs by providing timely and responsive service from the highest quality professionals in the business.
“We appreciate and continue to earn your trust in DECO Coatings. We are ready to serve any of your industrial coatings needs.” -Janet South
Please contact us to answer any questions, concerns for infrastructure protection needs. DECO Coatings is actively following good containment/mitigation strategies.