BY JANET SOUTH, President of DECO Coatings
Each time an applicant comes in to apply for a job with us, the thing they assume I care about most is their skill set and experience. This could not be further from the truth. The three most important things when we are looking to hire someone are attitude, aptitude, and reliability.

Attitude is not only spoken words. Having a good attitude means you show up ready expecting to work. Appearance is a big deal. We want to see people who give a good presentation. They must enjoy wearing trade appropriate clothing correctly. Part of having a good attitude is following guidelines that keep field applicators safe, and proper protective wear are necessary. When a candidate arrives for an interview, we look for people who are dressed in clean casual attire, neatly groomed and have good eye contact. If you follow these guidelines, your interview will make a positive impression and gain favor.
Aptitude is more important than skill sets already learned. The thing is, we can teach you how to apply specialty coatings. What we cannot teach is the willingness to learn. We want team players! As a company that deeply values positive personal growth, we encourage our employees to learn more in the field and we continually offer trade related courses.
Reliability is simply showing up, following instructions, and doing what you have been instructed and trained to do. I cannot tell you how many times jobs have fallen behind simply because one person showed up late or not at all and put the entire project behind schedule. Every job is important and affects the project success. Being reliable may seem basic, but it is the foundation of our reputation as a company that will do whatever it takes to overdeliver and underpromise.